All the paintings in this gallery are sold, but if you really want a Giclée print (Art print on Canvas) please contact me.
Selected prints also available @

. . . iets in Tertia se oerbegrip van die oerdrang in elke mens, iets in haar spontane uitbeelding van die oerverband tussen die geestelike en die beestelike,

noop my om af te sluit met ‘n ongetitelde vers van Judy Chicago:


And then all that has divided us will mergeAnd the compassion will be wedded to power

And then softness will come to a world that is harsh and unkind

And then both men and women will be gentle

And then both men and women will be strong

And then everywhere will be called Eden again.

Hettie Scholtz

Dorpstraat Gallery Stellenbosch 2002: